Location: The peat bog is located to the South-West by Tușnad Nou locality, respectively to the South-East by Lăzărești locality, on the territory of Harghita county. Nadasfurdo swamp is located at an altitude of 680 m, the latitudinal coordinates (N) being 46 ° 10 '35.54 ", respectively longitudinal (E) 25 ° 54' 46.11", with an area of 6.33 ha. The territory of the peat bog is owned by Tusnad commune. Area HR-011 - Nadasfurdo Swamp is an integral part of the site of community interest Ciucului de Jos Basin ROSCI0007, and of the nature reserve RONPA0493 Nadaș Swamp.
State of conservation: The main habitat type is 7230 - Alkaline swamps. The conservation status of this habitat, assessed on the basis of field measurements, is endangered by biotic and abiotic factors, which is why it requires adequate rehabilitation in this project.
Identified pressures and threats: During the field inspections, the current pressures were identified, but also those that will threaten the habitats in the future. In addition to those identified in the restoration schemes in the PeatRO program, we also identified other disruptive factors, pressures and threats:
- inadequate water regime for habitat 7230. In some places regressive erosion has been identified that dries up peatland. It requires damming through the intervention of sub activity 3.3;
- invasion of woody vegetation, species of Salix cinerea, Salix caprea, Populus tremula. These species due to the dry years of the past began to invade as much as possible, occupying an area of 3.36 ha of peatland. Requires sub activity 4.1;
- reed invasion (Phragmites australis), which requires interventions on an area of 1 ha (sub-activity A.4.2);
- the accumulation of the amount of biomass by the decomposition of the grassy vegetation, which contributes to the increase of the degree of mineralization and eutrophication of the peat bog. Requires interventions or mowing on an area of 3 ha (sub-activity A.6.1);
- inadequate / uncontrolled tourism. It requires reconditioning the thematic route (sub-activity A.8.1), which can eliminate the uncontrolled entry of tourists in the most valuable areas of the peat bog, minimizing the impact by trampling the characteristic plants;
- it was found that in some places there is the disappearance of the characteristic species of habitat 7230, which requires intervention in sub-activities A.5.2 and A.5.1.