3. HR-058 – Mlaștina Heveder - Kicsi Romlás

RePeat RePeat
3. HR-058 – Mlaștina Heveder - Kicsi Romlás

Location: HR-058 bog is located in the southeastern extremity of Harghita county, near the border with Covasna county, located north of CV-028 bog - Swamp under Batani. It is located at an altitude of 958 m, with GPS coordinates latitude (N) 46˚11’44.97 ”and longitude (E) 26˚12’27.95”, being a small peat bog, has an area of 4.94 ha. Heveder - Kicsi Romlás swamp is part of countless communal outcrops owned by the commune of Plăieșii de Jos. The peat bog is an integral part of the site of community interest Natura 2000 Tinovul Apa Lină - Honcsok ROSCI0241 and of the special avifauna protection area ROSPA0169.

Conservation status: The main habitat type is 7110 - Active domed mudflats, and the secondary one 7140 - Transitional peat bogs, next to which the habitat is being formed 91D0 * Peatlands with forest vegetation. The conservation status of the primary and secondary habitats 7110 and 7140 is unfavorable to an advanced and continuous degradation, which requires rehabilitation interventions.

Identified pressures and threats. During the field inspections, the current pressures were identified, but also those that will threaten the habitats in the future. In addition to those identified in the restoration schemes in the PeatRO program, we also identified other disruptive factors, pressures and threats:

  • intensification of the invasion of woody species especially by Betula pubescens. Habitats 7110 and 7140 are affected. It requires the elimination of these invasive species on an area of ​​4.1 ha by the intervention of sub-activity 4.1;
  • inadequate water regime for habitats 7110 and 7140. The groundwater level is low due to the increase in deep erosion of the stream that delimits the area in the southern part. It requires damming through the intervention of sub-activity 3.3;
  • the extinction of the characteristic species of the main habitat 7110 was found, for which reason it requires the intervention pine sub-activity 5.2.

Rehabilitation of wetlands and peatlands in the Center Region (RePeat)
Mun. Miercurea Ciuc, str. Progresului, nr. 35/B, cod poștal: 530240
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