Location: The area is located north of the peat bog CV-008 - Tinovul Apa Roșie - Fagul Rotund, being on the territory of Covasna county, in its northern part, north of Mereni commune, at an altitude of 996 m, GPS latitude coordinates ( N) 46˚11'10.73 ”and longitudinal (E) 26˚15'13.17” and has an area of 11.66 ha. The area is superimposed with the unregistered land, owned by Mereni commune.
Conservation status: The main habitat type is 7120 - Degraded peatlands capable of regeneration, and the secondary ones 7110 - Active convex bogs, 7230 - Alkaline swamps and 7140 - Transitional peat bogs, next to which there are other important habitats: 91E0 * Alluvial forests Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) and 91D0 * Peatlands with forest vegetation. The conservation status of the main and secondary habitats, respectively 7120, 7110, 7230 and 7140 are considered unfavorable badly with an advanced and continuous degradation, which requires rehabilitation interventions. The conservation status of habitat 91D0 due to fires in recent years is considered unfavorable. Habitat 91E0 occupies a relatively small area only on the banks of the Apa Roșie brook and is considered favorable.
Identified pressures and threats: During the field inspections, the current pressures were identified, but also those that will threaten the habitats in the future. In addition to those identified in the restoration schemes in the PeatRO program, we also identified other disruptive factors, pressures and threats:
- intensification of the grazing effect on the southern part of the land, as a result of which it is necessary to eliminate it by intervening to build an electric fence in the affected part (sub-activity 2.1 and 2.2);
- invasion of woody vegetation, species of Salix cinerea, Salix caprea, Betula pubescens. These species due to past drought years and fires in the 91D0 habitat began to invade as much as possible, occupying an area of 2.96 ha of peatland. Habitats 7140, 7110, and 91D0 are affected Requires sub activity 4.1;
- invasion of grassy vegetation, species of Calamagrostis epigeios, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca rubra, Juncus conglomeratus, Nardus stricta. At the edges of habitats 7140, 7110 and 7230 due to droughts and the accumulation of biomass quantities, the invasion of non-characteristic species began, which requires interventions on an area of 1.1 ha (sub-activity 4.2);
- the accumulation of the amount of biomass by the decomposition of the grassy vegetation, which contributes to the increase of the degree of mineralization and eutrophication of the peat bog. Requires interventions and mowing on an area of 5.7 ha (sub-activity A.6.1);
- cumulating the amount of biomass by decomposing woody vegetation. Fires have been identified from previous years that have produced a volume of approx. 40 m3 of dead wood mass from dwellings 91D0, for which their extraction is required (sub-activity 6.2);
- the protected species Ligularia sibirica and those typical of habitat 7110 are endangered, e.g. Drosera rotundifolia, Comarum palustre, species of Sphagnum sp. through uncontrolled tourism. Requires thematic route rehabilitation (sub-activity A.8.1);
- in some places in habitats 7110, 7120, 7130 and 7140 it was found that there is the disappearance of characteristic species, which requires intervention through sub-activity 5.1 and 5.2.