Location: This peat bog is located in Harghita county, north of Fântâna Brazilor village, northeast of Corund commune, located at an altitude of 960 m, with GPS coordinates latitude (N) 46˚30'26.77 ", respectively longitudinal ( E) 25˚15'18.15 ”and has an area of 11.79 ha. In the area of the peat bog are located the buildings with cadastral number 58291 and 58382 in the property of the Cerbul Carpatin Corund Compossesorate and without cadastral number in the property of Károly Attila. The respective area is partially located in the site of community interest Tinovul Fântâna Brazilor ROSCI0244.
Conservation status: The main habitat type is 7110 * - active peatlands, 7140 - Transitional peat bogs, and the secondary one is 91D0 * Peatlands with forest vegetation and 9410 Acidophilus spruce-Picea forests from mountain to alpine floor Vaccinio-Piceetea. The conservation status of the main and secondary habitats, according to the management plan approved by OM OM603 / 2017 are considered for: 7110 B - good conservation, 9410 C - medium or low conservation, 91D0 A - excellent conservation.
Identified pressures and threats: During the field inspections, the current pressures were identified, but also those that will threaten the habitats in the future. In addition to those identified in the restoration schemes in the PeatRO program, we also identified other disruptive factors, pressures and threats:
- inadequate water regime for habitats 7110 and 7140. Dams required by sub activity intervention 3.3;
- invasion of woody vegetation, species of Salix cinerea, Salix caprea, Betula pubescens and Populus tremula. These species due to the drought years of the past began to invade as much as possible, occupying an area of 0.47 ha of peatland. Habitats 7140, 7110 are affected. Requires sub activity 4.1;
- invasion of grassy vegetation, species of Calamagrostis epigeios, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca rubra, Juncus conglomeratus, Nardus stricta. At the edges of habitat 7140 and 7110 due to droughts and the accumulation of biomass quantities began to invade uncharacteristic species, which require interventions on an area of 0.5 ha (sub-activity 4.2);
- the accumulation of the amount of biomass by the decomposition of the grassy vegetation, which contributes to the increase of the degree of mineralization and eutrophication of the peat bog. Requires interventions and mowing on an area of 3.5 ha (sub-activity A.6.1);
- the extinction of the characteristic species of habitat 7110 was found, for which reason it requires the intervention from sub activity 5.2.